Transport Services

Ways to get further afield


Railway Stations

Less than an hour from London, regular trains stop at either Chesham or Great Missenden, both less than four miles away with good parking.

Chesham Underground Station

Great Missenden main line



Buses are limited but during school term it is possible to catch the Red Eagle bus from outside the Harvest Barn. Historic bus trips are also available at certain times of the year.

Red Eagle Bus Service

Historic bus trips



Heathrow is less than 30 miles away and is easily reached within an hour. London Luton Airport is also easily accessible, being less than 25 miles away and located along the M1.

Heathrow Airport

London Luton Airport



If you are without a car, then there are reliable taxi services available, Gilberts in Chesham and Red Kite Transfers in Great Missenden.

Gilberts of Chesham

Red Kite Transfers in Great Missenden

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